Environmental Policies
HARNEY ROCK & PAVING has recognized the importance and obligation to conduct its affairs as a responsible member of society , that's why we as a Corporation, team, and most of all, people, agreed to the next policies:
We will continually seek opportunities to improve our environmental performance by establishing objectives and targets, measuring progress, and reporting our results; including but not limited to energy, water, paper and fuel consumption and vehicle miles traveled.
We will promote participation and communicate our commitment to responsible environmental management by promoting environmental responsibility among our employees; by providing the necessary training and support to enable them to implement this policy; by informing suppliers of our environmental policy and encouraging them to adopt effective environmental management practices; and by soliciting input from our employees, suppliers, customers and board members in meeting our environmental goals.
Comply with applicable national and international safety and pollution prevention laws and regulations regarding air, water and environment in general; and any other requirements to which we subscribe.
Provide services of quality, safety and efficiency. Through management review, we assess the adequacy, effectiveness, and suitability of our management system, including our stated policies and associated objectives, to ensure these targets are met.